Well, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse . . .
About a week ago I had this conversation with my other bank (MOB). . .
MOB: "Sir, we still don't have a confirmation/tracking number for you. You'll have to call back tomorrow."
Me: "I've been told that for the past week straight. May I speak with a supervisor please?"
MOB: "How can I help you?"
Me: (I explain the whole story)
MOB: "Let me see, well, it looks like we don't have a tracking number because we don't have on file the complete mailing address. The system wont send anything out without a complete address."
MOB: "Yes sir."
This conversation was February 4th. After finally getting to the bottom of the issue my ATM card arrive on the 9th. Needed the ATM card because the emergency replacement credit card wont allow me to draw cash at ATMs. All told it took 17 days to report a lost wallet and receive replacement credit and atm cards. My advice, don't lose your wallet while traveling. Ever!
OK, moderately compelling sob stories aside, my extended stay here at the Abode actually worked out quite well. I continued helping a bit with the bookshop being built, got to visit the beach a few more times, and had the pleasure of befriending Richard Thompson, a Baba lover and fellow therapist - though his expertise, and love I might add, is in music therapy. Richard is stricken with motor neuron disease. I visited Richard twice at his care facility, and though the condition makes speech very difficult for him, we had some very lovely conversations about therapy, music, and life. Richard, your courage, your heart and your depth through this struggle have touched me deeply. Clearly you have done so much inner work to be as you now are. Despite not knowing you long, you have been an example to me that will effect both my personal and professional life. Nothing but God's love to you. My only regret is that I did not take the opportunity to get a photo of Richard. I'm sure I'll find one someday soon.
Well, today is Wednesday and in less than an hour I'm leaving Keil's Mountain and Avatar's Abode. I'm heading to Noosa tonight to spend the evening with the Foley's, and tomorrow I'm on a bus north a couple of hours to visit the world famous Fraser Island, renown for being the largest sand island in the world. It's a must see in Queensland, and I'm looking forward to it. More interesting photos to come once I'm on the move again.
Wishing all back home much love.
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