Hello All,
A tad more than a week since I've written. Given my general level of commitment to things these days, I'd say that's pretty good! :-) The weather here in Myrtle Beach has turned cold, and occasionally wet. That, combined with my most recent work task of shingling a building on the Center has left my hands more cracked than I can remember. And yet, it's wonderful work. My co-worker Joe Dunn, who I've affectionately named Gitter (get it???), and I spend hours atop
the roof of this small single person cabin deep in

Other than that, I'm simply enjoying my time here. I continue to catch up with old friends, and I've made a few new ones as well. I'm hoping to procure a camera in the next week or so such that I can add clearer pics with bigger, brighter smiles.
That's it for now. Drop me a line when you have a second or two.
I've never visited the hermitage. Its too much of a hermit.
oi anjo, amei teu perfil , sou brasileira e quero muito que me adicione ao meu blog .
obrigada e beijos !
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