I have been gently reminded that I haven't been posting as frequently as some would have hoped. My apologies. It's really quite simple. There hasn't been much to report on as of late. However, that will be changing quite soon. Monday evening I fly down to Miami, and Tuesday evening I'm off for Buenos Aires. A new friend Gabriel recently put me in touch with his friends and family in Buenos Aires, all of which have offered me places to stay upon my arrival. Between them and all of the wonderful folks on couchsurfing.com who have offered me a place, I am more than covered for accommodations during the next three weeks. (To those who have not heard of couchsurfing.com, do yourself a favor and check it out. It's done in a spirit of giving and brotherhood that can only make this world a better place. If you aren't traveling any time soon, then sign up to host someone. It'll provide opportunity to make friends on a global scale as perhaps never before.) As soon as I arrive I will settle, then strategize my plan of attack for Buenos Aires and the surrounding region. Plans and pics to come.
All are aware by now of the recent attacks on Mumbai. My dear friend Mikey Files was on the ground in Mumbai when the gunshots and grenades began to explode. Luckily, he was unharmed. For a very in depth, reflective and almost philosophical account of what unfolded during the first 24 hours of the attacks, visit his blog at vicablog.com.
For the time being, I should reflect on my time here in Myrtle Beach, working on the Meher Center. For the past 9 weeks I have sanded, painted and stained floors and
I would be remiss without mention of Barbara and Jane, two fixtures of the Center, and of my heart. There's not enough time or space to say all of the wonderful things about you both I'd be moved to say. As always, the pleasure was all mine. If anyone out there who has not yet met and befriended these two angels ever gets a chance to, you'll know what I'm talking about. I love you both immensely. Thanks for the good times.
And of course, I would be entirely remiss - and probably in trouble - if I did not express my undying gratitude to my wonderful hosts Janet and Billy Files. Thank you both so much for your generosity, once again having me as a member of the family. Janet and Billy have generously hosted more wayward young people in their home over the years than any people I've ever known. Thanks for all of the wonderful meals, and for all of the manual labor to help keep my back strong and me in line :-). Glad you both will be following my exploits.
The Center is too vast a place to capture in photos without blowing out the memory of the blog page, so I thought I'd just include a couple. You can never go wrong with serene scenery. Wishing you all much love. I'll be checking in again soon.